Portfolio Acquisition

Our acquisition of performing and non-performing accounts enables creditors to shift risk and responsibility to Aeon Capital.  At Aeon Capital, we are committed to respect and dignity towards consumers; businesses can rest assured knowing the integrity of their brand and goodwill is protected, at all times.

Account Receivable Management

The effective management of a corporation’s account receivables (AR) assets is integral to its ability to realize on ROI.  Aeon Capital provides full-service account receivable management at all phases of the AR life cycle.

We develop an individualized strategy that aligns our account objectives to your organization’s corporate goals.

Portfolio Consulting

Not all debt portfolios are the same.  Not all portfolio managers are the same. Aeon Capital has expertise in portfolio valuation through in-depth consumer risk analysis and measurement with portfolio segmentation and prioritization. This enable buyers and sellers to identify the most solvent and higher performing portfolio offerings.

Asset Recovery

Our ability to recover assets in all forms and industries allows businesses to reallocate human and organizational resources to focus on their core business deliverables.

At Aeon Capital, we apply our extensive wealth of experience and our customer-driven philosophy to respond to our client’s individual needs and circumstances.